How to redirect to another page on button click in Reactjs

I want to create a basic web application using react. I have implemented creating buttons. I want to redirect to another page on button click. Below is my App.js code

import React from 'react';
import logo from './logo.svg';
import './App.css';

function App() {
  return (
    <div className="App">
            <button const path = '/Components'> Click Me </button>


export default App;

When i click on 'click me' button it should redirect to Components.js. Below is the code for Components.js

import React from "react"

function app(){
  Welcome to the world. 

export default app

Long back i have done these king of things in ASP.NET. there i have used Response.redirect to redirect pages which is so simple. As I am new to React, i know nothing about this. Is there anything like that in React?


  • Basically React does not have "pages". The idea is more to "show" or "hide" components, this gives the user a page/view impression.

    The easiest way to achieve routing in React is to use a declarative router library like react router especially for more complex apps.

    Here is an example without react router to understand the basic concept:

    const ViewOne = ({onClick}) => (
        View 1 <br />
        <button onClick={() => onClick("view2")}>Go to view 2</button>
    const ViewTwo = ({onClick}) => (
        View 2 <br />
        <button onClick={() => onClick("view1")}>Go to view 1</button>
    const App = () => {
      const [currentView, setCurrentView] = React.useState("view1");
      return (
              currentView === "view1" ? 
              <ViewOne onClick={page => setCurrentView(page)} /> : 
              <ViewTwo onClick={page => setCurrentView(page)} />
    const domContainer = document.querySelector('#my-app');
    ReactDOM.render(<App />, domContainer);
    <div id="my-app"></div>
    <script src="" crossorigin></script>
      <script src="" crossorigin></script>