
Implementing Hover Intent

I just finished developing this Wordpress theme:

Everything is working well, but I'm not 100% happy with the navigation. The sliding position indicator works smoothly, but I'd like to integrate the hover intent jQuery plugin to prevent the sliding indicator from sliding when the user unintentionally passes over the nav.

Any ideas as to how I could integrate this plugin? I'm currently firing a separate jQuery function for each nav item and passing coordinates to the sliding indicator based on which item is being hovered upon.

Here's my current jQuery code:

 $(document).ready(function() {

        var $currentpos = $("#menu-indicator").css("left");
        $("#menu-indicator").data('storedpos', $currentpos);

        $(".current-menu-item").mouseenter(function () {
        $("#menu-indicator").stop().animate({left: $currentpos}, 150);
        $(".menu-item-26").delay(500).mouseenter(function () {
        $("#menu-indicator").stop().animate({left: "52px"}, 150);
        $(".menu-item-121").mouseenter(function () {
        $("#menu-indicator").stop().animate({left: "180px"}, 150);
        $(".menu-item-29").mouseenter(function () {
        $("#menu-indicator").stop().animate({left: "310px"}, 150);
        $(".menu-item-55").mouseenter(function () {
        $("#menu-indicator").stop().animate({left: "440px"}, 150);
        $(".menu-item-27").mouseenter(function () {
        $("#menu-indicator").stop().animate({left: "570px"}, 150);
        $(".menu-item-164").mouseenter(function () {
        $("#menu-indicator").stop().animate({left: "760px"}, 150);

        $delayamt = 400;
        $("#header-row2").click(function () {
        $delayamt = 5000;
        $("#header-row2").mouseleave(function () {
        $("#menu-indicator").stop().delay($delayamt).animate({left: $currentpos}, 600);


As you can see, I need to bind mousover and mouseout to separate elements (list-item and containing div).



  • If all you want to do is avoid the user triggering the slide by mousing over the nav, I would just setTimeout in your hover function to call your sliding code after a certain amount of time has passed, and clear the timeout on the mouseout event. No extra plugin needed.

    For example:

    var hover_timer;
        function() {
            hover_timer = setTimeout(function() { 
            }, 500);
        function() { clearTimeout(hover_timer); }

    EDIT: by the by, you should be combining all those hover functions into one. You can do something like:

    $('.menu-item-26').data('slider-pos', '52px');
    $('.menu-item-121').data('slider-pos', '180px');

    And then in the code to slide, call it back:

    $this = $(this);
    $('#menu-indicator').stop().animate({left: $'slider-pos')}, 150);

    And that's just a start - you can generalize it even more, I bet.