In my react-native application I have a TextInput
component. The TextInput
reads some types from the following path:
This file has a bunch of types in including:
export type KeyboardType = 'default' | 'email-address' | 'numeric' | 'phone-pad';
I can access this file by cmd + clicking
on a prop I have added, (using vscode) to go to it's definition.
What I am wondering though is how I can reference the types in this file, so I can use them in my Flow typing definitions?
I want to be able to do something like:
// pseudocode
import type { KeyboardType } from 'react-native'
How I can go about this?
You're doing everything right, except you don't need the word type
after import
import { Image, StyleSheet, ReturnKeyType, KeyboardType } from "react-native";