this is my first post on this forum, so please be gentle in case I accidentally do trip over any forum rules that I would not know of yet :).
I would like to apply some color-grading to underwater GoPro footage. To quicker gauge the effect of my color settings (trial-and-error, as of yet), would like to see the original input video stream as a PIP (e.g., scaled down to 50% or even 30%), in the bottom-right corner of the converted output movie.
I have one input movie that is going to be color graded. The PIP should use the original as an input, just a scaled-down version of it.
I would like to use ffmpeg's "-filter_complex" option to do the PIP, but all examples I can find on "-filter_complex" would use two already existing movies. Instead, I would like to make the color-corrected stream an on-the-fly input to "-filter_complex", which then renders the PIP.
Is that doable, all in one go?
Both the individual snippets below work fine, I now would like to combine these and skip the creation of an intermediate color-graded TMP output which then gets combined, with the original, in a final PIP creation process. Your help combining these two separate steps into one single "-filter_complex" action is greatly appreciated!
Thanks in advance, raven.
[existing code snippets (M$ batch files)]
set "INPUT=<path-to-movie>"
set "TMP=<path-to-intermediate-output-movie>"
set "OUTPUT=<path-to-movie>"
set "FFMPG=<path-to-executable>"
set "QU=9" :: quality settings
set "CONV='"0 -1 0 -1 5 -1 0 -1 0:0 -1 0 -1 5 -1 0 -1 0:0 -1 0 -1 5 -1
0 -1 0:0 -1 0 -1 5 -1 0 -1 0'"" :: sharpening convolution filter
::color-grading part::
%FFMPG% -i %INPUT% -vf convolution=%CONV%,colorbalance=rs=%rs%:gs=%gs%:bs=%bs%:rm=%rm%:gm=%gm%:bm=%bm%:rh=%rh%:gh=%gh%:bh=%bh% -q:v %QU% -codec:v mpeg4 %TMP%
::PIP part::
%FFMPG% -i %TMP% -i %INPUT% -filter_complex "[1]scale=iw/3:ih/3
[pip]; [0][pip] overlay=main_w-overlay_w-10:main_h-overlay_h-10" -q:v
%QU% -codec:v mpeg4 %OUTPUT%
[/existing code]
ffmpeg -i input -filter_complex "[0]scale=iw/3:-1[pip];[0]convolution,colorbalance[bg];[bg][pip]overlay=main_w-overlay_w-10:main_h-overlay_h-10[v]" -map "[v]" -map 0:a -c:a copy output
This is a simplified command. You'll need to enter your convolution and colorbalance values and integrate it into your batch file.
refers to the first (and only in this case) input file and is the input for the scale filter. The output from scale is arbitrarily named [pip]
. You can give it just about any name you prefer. See Filtering Introduction, Filtergraph description, and Filtergraph syntax for more info. [0]
is also used as the input for convolution. The output from convolution is fed directly to colorbalance. Linear chains of filters are connected via a comma (see above link). The output from colorbalance is named [bg]
and [pip]
. [pip]
is overlaid on [bg]
. The output from overlay is named [v]
option is used to manually select the streams to put into the output. It is generally a good idea to get into the habit to use -map
unless you fully understand the default stream selection behavior.-c:a copy
and a default encoder will be chosen depending on your output file format or you can choose a specific encoder.