Web development newbie here. I'm trying to use the NPM react-table package with a ClojureScript/Reagent project. I'm failing to import the package properly. What I've done:
1/installed react-table through NPM, it's in my project directory
2/in my main namespace, I've included (:require ["react-table" :as rt])
In the REPL I can see it's making some connection as just typing rt
will return #js {:ReactTableDefaults #js {:data #js [], ...
How can I actually create a table? I've tried things such as
rt/ReactTable {:data [{:a 1 :b 2} {:a 3 :b 4} {:a 6 :b 8}] :columns [{:Header "a" :accessor "a"} {:Header "b" :accessor "b"}]}
but I keep hitting into TypeError: module$node_modules$react_table$lib$index.ReactTable is not a function
I've also read https://code.thheller.com/blog/shadow-cljs/2017/11/10/js-dependencies-in-practice.html but that didn't help me enough.
Update - using figwheel I'm getting somewhere, and this is what I'd like to reproduce in shadow-cljs:
In project.clj: [cljsjs/react-table "6.8.6-0"]
In the "view" namespace: (:require [cljsjs.react-table] [reagent.core :as r])
Then this actually displays a table:
(def ReactTable (r/adapt-react-class (aget js/ReactTable "default")))
(defn test-table []
[:div {:style {:width 320}}
[ReactTable {:data [{:a 1 :b 2} {:a 3 :b 6} {:a 6 :b 8}]
:columns [
{:Header "a" :accessor "a" :width 200}
{:Header "b" :accessor "b" :width 100}]
:showPagination false
:defaultPageSize 3}]])
(defn main-panel []
uses a "default" export which you likely didn't use in the shadow-cljs
build but sort of did in the cljsjs variant (ie. (aget js/ReactTable "default")
So the correct way to do this is:
(ns your.app
(:require ["react-table" :as rt :default ReactTable]))
(defn test-table []
[:div {:style {:width 320}}
[:> ReactTable {:data ... :columns ...}]])
The translation table in the docs might be a useful reference.