I'm trying to implement Encryption for my "open62541" Server which i connect with the UaExpert-Client. First i created the self signed certificate with the "create_self-signed.py". After i executed the .py-file with the information of the output-path, i got the "server_cert.der" and "server_key.der". I tried to modify the server config, but i'm note sure which method i have to use. Could someone tell me where to put those ".der files" and which methods should i use to modify my server-config?
There's a whole example on how to use encryption: https://github.com/open62541/open62541/blob/master/examples/encryption/server_encryption.c
Always check the examples directory of any open source project. There you will find a lot of nice code samples.
An excerpt of the code is here:
/* Load certificate and private key */
UA_ByteString certificate = loadFile(argv[1]);
UA_ByteString privateKey = loadFile(argv[2]);
/* Load the trustlist */
size_t trustListSize = 0;
if(argc > 3)
trustListSize = (size_t)argc-3;
UA_STACKARRAY(UA_ByteString, trustList, trustListSize);
for(size_t i = 0; i < trustListSize; i++)
trustList[i] = loadFile(argv[i+3]);
/* Loading of a issuer list, not used in this application */
size_t issuerListSize = 0;
UA_ByteString *issuerList = NULL;
/* Loading of a revocation list currently unsupported */
UA_ByteString *revocationList = NULL;
size_t revocationListSize = 0;
UA_Server *server = UA_Server_new();
UA_ServerConfig *config = UA_Server_getConfig(server);
UA_StatusCode retval =
UA_ServerConfig_setDefaultWithSecurityPolicies(config, 4840,
&certificate, &privateKey,
trustList, trustListSize,
issuerList, issuerListSize,
revocationList, revocationListSize);