
Is it possible to interact with cloned iOS simulators via xcrun simctl?

When I'm running UI tests in parallel on multiple simulators, the cloned simulators appear to be totally invisible to xcrun simctl.

When running xcrun simctl list, the source simulator appears, but is in a "shutdown" state:

4 Inch Snapshots - en-US (0) (3334A5D1-A4EC-41ED-AB10-55495B4BE329) (Shutdown)

And when I try to run any commands againts "booted" devices, it claims there are no simulators running:

xcrun simctl status_bar booted override --time "2007-01-09T09:41:00-05:00"
No devices are booted.

Is there any way to target these cloned simulators with xcrun simctl?


  • Assuming you mean the clones that are managed by Xcode's Testing, you can do:

    xcrun simctl --set testing ...