I am trying to rename files that are in sequence. The new file name will include a variable that distinguishes it. How to I format that variable so that it is always 2 digits?
Get-ChildItem *.jpg | %{$x=1} {Rename-Item $_ -NewName "FileName$x.jpg'; $x++}
This is the line I bastardized from multiple sources to try and get it done, but whenever I try to format the variable, I keep running into errors.
I am new to powershell.
And the rename-item saga continues. Expressions as command arguments need '( )' around them.
Get-ChildItem *.jpg |
%{$x=1} {Rename-Item $_ -NewName ('FileName{0:d2}.jpg' -f $x++) -whatif }
With -f, '0' is the first item, then '1', etc.
'{0} - {1} - {2}' -f 1,2,3
You would need '$( )' for multiple statements:
Get-ChildItem *.jpg |
%{$x=1} {Rename-Item $_ -NewName $('FileName{0:d2}.jpg' -f $x; $x++) }