
How to change the color of a CheckBox in Android

How do I change the default CheckBox color in Android?
By default the CheckBox color is green, and I want to change this color.
If it is not possible please tell me how to make a custom CheckBox?


  • If your minSdkVersion is 21+ use android:buttonTint attribute to update the color of a checkbox:

      android:buttonTint="@color/tint_color" />

    In projects that use AppCompat library and support Android versions below 21 you can use a compat version of the buttonTint attribute:

      app:buttonTint="@color/tint_color" />

    In this case if you want to subclass a CheckBox don't forget to use AppCompatCheckBox instead.


    You can change CheckBoxs drawable using android:button="@drawable/your_check_drawable" attribute.