How I can fix the following error: Warning: Encountered two children with the same key, [object Object]
. Keys should be unique so that components maintain their identity across updates. Non-unique keys may cause children to be duplicated and/or omitted — the behavior is unsupported and could change in a future version.
That is my List:
<List style={custom.PartList}>
<FlatList extraData={this.state} data={} keyExtractor={this._keyExtractor.bind(this)} renderItem={this._renderItem.bind(this)} />
That is my List Item:
/* Render Item - Render One Row - Item - (Tool) */
_renderItem({ item }) {
const custom = styles(this.props);
return (
<View style={custom.PartView}>
<ListItem style={custom.PartListItem} onPress={() => this._handleRead(item.tool_id, item.tool_name, item.tool_description, item.tool_count, item.tool_availability)}>
<Image style={custom.PartImage} source={require('@app/assets/images/tools.png')}/>
<Text style={custom.PartName}>{item.tool_name}</Text>
/* /Render Item - Render One Row - Item - (Tool)/ */
And that is my keyExtractor method:
/* Key Extractor Method - For Index Tools */
_keyExtractor(index) {
return index.toString();
/* /Key Extractor Method - For Index Tools/ */
For FlatList Code
<List style={custom.PartList}>
<FlatList extraData={this.state} data={}
keyExtractor={(item, index) => index.toString()}
renderItem={this._renderItem.bind(this)} />