I'm trying to implement rollbar.js to Firefox extentsion. However, there is no possibility to load it within "rollbar snippet" - it loads .js file from cdn - that's not allowed in Firefox addons.
So I reworked it and load rollbar.js from local file. This solution works in Chrome extension, however in Firefox addon I always get "Rollbar is undefined" ..
Here is the simplified code I use in poppup.html...
chrome.storage.local.get(['optins'], function(value) {
var rollbarOptIn = true;
window._rollbarConfig = {
accessToken: "xxx",
captureUncaught: true,
captureUnhandledRejections: true,
enabled: rollbarOptIn,
payload: {
environment: "{{ ENVIRONMENT }}",
client: {
source_map_enabled: true,
code_version: "{{ VERSION }}",
guess_uncaught_frames: true
<script type="text/javascript" src="scripts/rollbar.js" async="false"></script>
/* ugly workaround with set timeout... */
}, 600);
I am in the end.. please help.
Since chrome.storage is asynchronous its callback runs after rollbar.js so you probably have a browser-specific race condition between an asynchronous initialization in rollbar and that callback.
Remove <script>
from your HTML and try loading it dynamically, then use its onload event:
chrome.storage.local.get('optins', ({optins}) => {
window._rollbarConfig = {
// ...............
const el = document.createElement('script');
el.src = 'scripts/rollbar.js';
el.onload = useRollbar;
function useRollbar() {
// ...............