I have longitude and latitude values in a pandas DataFrame but I want to convert it to a gpx file so I can visualize it later in google maps. how can I do that with python ? I took a look at the gpxpy library but the examples shows how to load or read a gpx file and I want to do the opposite. I want to read a csv file and turn it to gpx file or directly convert from pandas Dataframe.
What about this: (adapted from the create-file section of https://pypi.org/project/gpxpy/)
# import pandas as pd
# import numpy as np
# df = pd.DataFrame(90*np.random.random((5, 2)))
# print(df)
import gpxpy
import gpxpy.gpx
gpx = gpxpy.gpx.GPX()
# Create first track in our GPX:
gpx_track = gpxpy.gpx.GPXTrack()
# Create first segment in our GPX track:
gpx_segment = gpxpy.gpx.GPXTrackSegment()
# Create points:
for idx in df.index:
gpx_segment.points.append(gpxpy.gpx.GPXTrackPoint(df.loc[idx, 0], df.loc[idx, 1]))
# print(gpx.to_xml())
with open('output.gpx', 'w') as f:
example data of code above:
# 0 1
# 0 76.297096 86.421851
# 1 26.041973 5.265947
# 2 24.292204 37.074964
# 3 2.033896 19.136688
# 4 13.527561 25.136911
XML data:
# <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
# <gpx xmlns="http://www.topografix.com/GPX/1/1" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.topografix.com/GPX/1/1 http://www.topografix.com/GPX/1/1/gpx.xsd" version="1.1" creator="gpx.py -- https://github.com/tkrajina/gpxpy">
# <trk>
# <trkseg>
# <trkpt lat="76.29709588485436" lon="86.42185081600744">
# </trkpt>
# <trkpt lat="26.041973450515652" lon="5.2659474962495985">
# </trkpt>
# <trkpt lat="24.292204051893012" lon="37.07496383039659">
# </trkpt>
# <trkpt lat="2.033895516776183" lon="19.1366881465948"> </trkpt>
# <trkpt lat="13.527560800715804" lon="25.136910635806306">
# </trkpt>
# </trkseg>
# </trk>
# </gpx>