
What are the waapi valid css properties

Is there a difference in the general Animatable CSS properties listed here?

Certain CSS properties can be animated using CSS Animations or CSS Transitions. Animation means that their values can be made to change gradually over a given amount of time.

Is the waapi a subset of Css Animation?

And are those properties listed in the dom somewhere? Or would I have to copy those to check if a string is such a property?


  • To answer your question simply, there is no difference in the set of animatable CSS properties. Technically speaking, CSS animation is a subset of Web Animations.

    There is no list of animatable properties in the DOM. To determine if a property is animatable you can create an animation, or set the keyframes on an existing animation (using setKeyframes()) and then read back the keyframes using getKeyframes() to see if it appears there.

    That's the summary, but here are a few more points that might prove interesting depending on what you're trying to do:

    So, to generate a comprehensive list of animatable properties you would probably need to look at the properties exposed on something like the result of getComputedStyle(), add in any registered custom properties, possibly drop any prefixed properties, convert offset to cssOffset, and then run them all through setKeyframes()/getKeyframes() to see which ones the browser supports animating.