Hello my script watches a stream...
On a message it will extract some data for me using a variable.
Here's the script:
var evtSource = new EventSource("http://URL.com/_watch//_index?_=1557958948927");
evtSource.onmessage = function(e) {
var obj = JSON.parse(e.data);
var lineString = JSON.stringify(obj.line)
var size = JSON.stringify(obj.lineWidth)
var color = JSON.stringify(obj.lineColor) // Not needed, but defined anyways.
var chat = JSON.stringify(obj.msg)
var line = obj.line
line.forEach(function(point, index){
console.log(JSON.stringify(point)); // console log example// -> "[120,250]"
in google's console it logs something like this [120,250]
How could I get each number, like the 120 as a variable, and the 250 as a different variable?
I tried something with the substr() method but it didn't work. It would somehow get the comma.
Just don't stringify the point
array. Without stringifying you can destructure the array, like this:
const [x, y] = point;
or in a traditional way:
const x = point[0];
const y = point[1];
both solutions are equal and produce the same output. Example:
const point = [120, 250];
const [x, y] = point;
console.log(`x: ${x}, y: ${y}`);
So your .forEach()
could look like this:
line.forEach(function(point, index){
const [x, y] = point;
console.log(x, y); // console log example// -> "120 250"