
How do I pass data from MatDialog => Rxjs Effect => Component?

My component is calling an Action and using @Effect to open the Dialog. The Dialog send the data back to the @Effect. I'm able to see the data using .afterClosed() in the @Effects, but I don't know how to get it to the component using .afterClosed().

Here is how the component is calling the dialog: fromWorkspace.ShowDialog());

Here is the Dialog in the Effects:

  @Effect({ dispatch: false })
   showDialog$ = this.actions$.pipe(
    map(action => {
      this.dialogRef =, {
        disableClose: false,
        hasBackdrop: true,
        restoreFocus: true,
        data: { }
      // I can see the data here;
      this.dialogRef.afterClosed().subscribe(result => console.log(result));

Here is how the Dialog is sending data back:

constructor(@Inject(MAT_DIALOG_DATA) public data: any,
              public dialogRef: MatDialogRef<PersonSelectorComponent>) { }

 addPerson(event: MatAutocompleteSelectedEvent) {
    if (event.option.selected) {
      const person = event.option.value;
      if (person) {
      // data is correct here;

Back to the component here is how I'm trying to use .afterClose():

public dialogRef: MatDialogRef<PersonSelectorComponent>

//this does not work
this.assigneeDialogRef.afterClosed().subscribe(result => console.log(result));


  • So, going forward with action/reducer approach I did as follow:

      addPerson$ = this.actions$.pipe(
        map(action => {
          return new AddPersonSuccess(action.payload);
        catchError(error => this.dispatchErrorHandleActions(new addPersonFailure(error),
                `Couldn't add person. Please try again later.`))
     case WorkspaceActionTypes.AddPersonSuccess:
          return update(state, {
            person: {
              data: { $set: action.payload }
    export const addPerson = createSelector(getWorkspaceState, (state: WorkspaceState) => state.person);
     this.person$ =;