I would like to play the sound get from Oculus Go's microphone through speaker in real-time, but could not made it. I have tried this code, it works well in Editor with headphone's microphone not with Oculus Go, or I have made some mistake?
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Video;
public class MicrophoneAudio : MonoBehaviour
void Start()
AudioSource micAudio = GetComponent<AudioSource>();
micAudio.clip = Microphone.Start(Microphone.devices[0], true, 10, 44100);
micAudio.loop = true;
while(!(Microphone.GetPosition(null) > 0)) { }
Or this the device limitation? I already observed a lot but have no luck and found only start the microphone with no real time playback one. Hope anyone could help me.:(
This script should work on Oculus GO, which is used in my audio + video live streaming demo with Oculus GO.
AudioSource AudioMic;
void Start() {
IEnumerator CaptureMic()
if (AudioMic == null) AudioMic = GetComponent<AudioSource>();
AudioMic.clip = Microphone.Start(null, true, 1, OutputSampleRate);
AudioMic.loop = true;
while (!(Microphone.GetPosition(null) > 0)) { }
Debug.Log("Start Mic(pos): " + Microphone.GetPosition(null));
//capture for live streaming
//while (!stop)
// AddMicData();
// yield return null;
//capture for live streaming
yield return null;