I want to limit the range length in react-day-picker to e.g. 10 days. How should this be done, is something availlable in the package already?
This is an example range selector: https://react-day-picker.js.org/examples/selected-range/
Could be easily implemented, I've just added some lines to the handleDayClick function:
Instead of this:
handleDayClick(day) {
const range = DateUtils.addDayToRange(day, this.state);
Implement this:
handleDayClick(day) {
const oneDay = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; // hours*minutes*seconds*milliseconds
const diffDays = Math.round(Math.abs((day - this.state.from) / oneDay));
const range = DateUtils.addDayToRange(day, undefined);
if(diffDays <= 10){
const range = DateUtils.addDayToRange(day, this.state);
else {