When using the new react-relay expirimental I got this error:
invariant.js:40 Uncaught Invariant Violation: RelayModernGraphQLTag: Expected a request, got `{"default":{"kind":"Request","fragment":{"kind":"Fragment","name":"FlowsQuery","type":"Query","metadata":null,"argumentDefinitions":[],"selections":[{"kind":"LinkedField","alias":null,"name":"flows","storageKey":null,"args":null,"concreteType":"Flow","plural":true,"selections":[{"kind":"ScalarField","alias":null,"name":"id","args":null,"storageKey":null},{"kind":"FragmentSpread","name":"Flow_flow","args":null}]}]},"operation":{"kind":"Operation","name":"FlowsQuery","argumentDefinitions":[],"selections":[{"kind":"LinkedField","alias":null,"name":"flows","storageKey":null,"args":null,"concreteType":"Flow","plural":true,"selections":[{"kind":"ScalarField","alias":null,"name":"id","args":null,"storageKey":null},{"kind":"ScalarField","alias":null,"name":"title","args":null,"storageKey":null},{"kind":"ScalarField","alias":null,"name":"description","args":null,"storageKey":null}]}]},"params":{"operationKind":"query","name":"FlowsQuery","id":null,"text":"query FlowsQuery {\n flows {\n id\n ...Flow_flow\n }\n}\n\nfragment Flow_flow on Flow {\n id\n title\n description\n}\n","metadata":{}},"hash":"d6b715a97b84f420e60e112ce758e768"}}`.
My code: Component.tsx
const { flows }: FlowsQueryResponse = usePreloadedQuery<FlowsQuery>(
query FlowsQuery {
flows {
# Include child fragment
const routes = [{
path: '/',
exact: true,
* A lazy reference to the component for the home route. Note that we intentionally don't
* use React.lazy here: that would start loading the component only when it's rendered.
* By using a custom alternative we can start loading the code instantly. This is
* especially useful with nested routes, where React.lazy would not fetch the
* component until its parents code/data had loaded. Nested route support isn't
* implemented in our mini-router yet, but one can imagine iterating over all
* the matched route entries and calling .load() on each of their components.
component: JSResource('Flows', () => import('./Flows/Flows')),
* A function to prepare the data for the `component` in parallel with loading
* that component code. The actual data to fetch is defined by the component
* itself - here we just reference a description of the data - the generated
* query.
prepare: params => {
console.log('params', { params })
const FlowsQuery = require('./__generated__/FlowsQuery.graphql')
return {
flowsQuery: preloadQuery(
// The fetchPolicy allows us to specify whether to render from cached
// data if possible (store-or-network) or only fetch from network
// (network-only).
{ fetchPolicy: 'store-or-network' }
Somehow the typescript compiler or the webpack loader does not understand the export default defined in the generated 'FlowsQuery.graphql' file.
So changing this line
const FlowsQuery = require('./__generated__/FlowsQuery.graphql')
const FlowsQuery = require('./__generated__/FlowsQuery.graphql').default
Fixed it!