I am trying to execute bash script which has mget *.*
to download all the files in the directory. it is downloading couple of files in File1 but it is skipping the File2 part probably due to time out error. I believe it is due to time out error because
1) I tried to implement the same to other directories, it worked perfectly. Might be because the files in the File2 are less.
2)while i tried to do command line mode of
sftp username@hostname
cd file2
mget *.*
it took at least 40 sec to 1 min to respond, but it did download all the files eventually.
So, I guess while executing the bash script, it might be stopping due to time out. Please suggest me the work around. Below is my bash script.
#test purpose only
export Src_Dir=/path
DATE=`date +"%Y-%m-%d"`
cd "$Src_Dir" || { echo 'Failed to chdir into $Src_Dir' ; exit 0; }
spawn /usr/bin/sftp -o Port=${PORT} username@host
expect "password:"
send "$Pass_Pwd\r"
expect "sftp>"
send "lcd ${Src_Dir}\r"
expect "sftp>"
send "mget ${File1}\r"
expect "sftp>"
send "mget ${File2}\r"
expect "sftp>"
send "bye\r"
echo "Download done"
I have written set timeout -1
above Spawn
command, then it worked perfectly :)
Thank you guys :)