
BlueData - Kibana server is not ready yet

I've followed the instructions to add Kibana to my BlueData 4.0 controller:

The system returns the username and password. For example:

export bdshared_elasticsearch_adminpass='adef3a31-fbec-474d-8b74-a50b3355399f';
export bdshared_elasticsearch_admin='elastic';

However, when I try to access the service on the controller A.B.C.D:5610 I get the following error (I have tried for about 15 minutes):

Kibana server is not ready yet

How can I resolve this issue?


  • From the primary controller (see note below), I tried to connect to elasticsearch:

    [centos@ip-10-1-0-242 ~]$ curl localhost:9210
    curl: (7) Failed connect to localhost:9210; Connection refused

    It returned an error, so I found the epic-monitoring-** service ...

    [centos@ip-10-1-0-242 ~]$ docker ps
    CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                           COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS               NAMES
    6e61f6a9eb5f        bluedata/sklearngpu:1.0         "/sbin/init"             2 weeks ago         Up 32 hours                             bluedata-15
    35e029a991ea        epic/webhdfs:1.0                "/usr/bin/supervisord"   2 weeks ago         Up 32 hours                             epic-webhdfs-
    55f607fa361d        epic/monitoring:1.12            "/etc/"   2 weeks ago         Up 32 hours                             epic-monitoring-
    15b5090844ed        epic/nagios:1.9                 "/bin/sh -c '/usr/..."   2 weeks ago         Up 32 hours                             epic-nagios-
    b380915b6c3b        epic/apache-hdfs-centos:2.7.2   "/usr/local/bin/st..."   2 weeks ago         Up 32 hours                             epic-apache-hdfs-centos

    and restarted it:

    [centos@ip-10-1-0-242 ~]$ docker restart 55f607fa361d

    I then followed the instructions again to enable kibana, and after waiting a few minutes, I was able to login to kibana with the credentials returned by bdconfig --getallenv | grep bdshared_elasticsearch_admin


    To find the current primary controller run: