
How to uninstall collectd completely from ubuntu 16.04 server

I had collectd-5.5 installed on my ubuntu-16.04 server and I tried to install the newer version as described in collectd download page.. it seems that it didn't work, so now I'm trying to uninstall collectd from my server completely, to install a fresh version again.

To uninstall, I've run below commands:

sudo apt-get remove collectd
sudo apt-get remove --auto-remove collectd
sudo apt-get purge collectd
sudo apt-get purge --auto-remove collectd

now when I delete the /var/lib/collectd folder, it gets created immediately with the rrd folder in it.

collectd command and service do not exist anymore, but it seems that it's not removed from my server completely, or maybe I have another version of collectd running?

how can I check? did I miss something in the uninstalling process?



  • as @Lutz mentioned in question comments, the collectd process was running after the uninstall, so I had to kill it manually, restarting the server would do the work though, but in my case, I was working on a production server, so I decided to kill it this way:

    sudo killall collectd