I am kicking the tires on Tricentis Tosca with their free trial, and while the tutorial went swimmingly, my very first attempt to do a test of my own I ran into a scenario I can't figure out. I decided to try doing a test on the Windows calculator app, I scanned the screen, picked all the controls I cared about, and saved it into a Module named "Calculator". I then created my first test case named "Add", pulled in my "Calculator" module, and decided to "Click" on One, Plus, Two, Equals, and I encountered my first problem! There appears to be no way to control the order in which those clicks happen. Sigh. I'm sure I'm missing something simple, but for the life of me, I can't figure out how to control the order in which those clicks are executed. Anybody out there know how this tool works?
Tosca is so powerful I have four approaches for you.
):hide do nothing
in the ribbon, here:Then the result would look like this:
the test steps automatically get updated to look like this:
this approach should obviously only be used if you need a general change (for all steps the module is used in). Be careful with it.
allow reorder
on a test step by rightclicking on the step and choosing the (second) context menu item:Then you can drag and drop the test step values and the result would look like this:
I recommend the first approach for your first test case you try to put together.