I try to migrate a trac installation from a debian wheezy server to another debian jessie.
If I copy all files to the new server I get the message, that I have to upgrade with trac-admin /var/trac/blimus upgrade
, which seems to work, but it seems not to update all plugins.
for example I had a plugin installed in the old trac, that lets you login on a webpage instead of the htaccess popup.
On the new server I now get the error
Error: Not Found
No handler matched request to /login
How do I get the web-login back?
Is there a way to analyze the old trac folder, which plugins were installed, so I can install the missing ones in the new installation?
I checked the new trac.ini file and added the missing options, this is my trac.ini
These are my versions:
# trac-admin --version
Warning: Detected setuptools version 5.5.1.
Welcome to trac-admin 1.0.2
This instruction will work on Debian jessie (Trac 1.0.2), as well as Ubuntu 14.04 trusty (Trac 1.0.1)
# cd ~/
# tar -cvzf trac-example.tgz /var/trac/example
# cp /var/trac/example/conf/trac.ini trac.ini-example
# update your trac.ini-example to match new settings
#!/usr/bin/env bash
####################### config ##############################
# where you store your tgz backup and the new trac.ini file
# install packages without user interaction:
export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
apt-get -y install unzip apache2 trac trac-accountmanager trac-xmlrpc libapache2-mod-python libapache2-mod-python-doc libapache2-mod-wsgi
a2dismod python
a2enmod rewrite
# add trac user for apache WSGIDaemonProcess:
adduser --shell /bin/sh --no-create-home --disabled-password trac
mkdir -p /home/trac/.keep-for-mod_wsgi
mkdir -p /var/trac
tar -C /var/trac/ -xvzf $BACKUP_PATH/trac-example.tgz
# copy your new config here:
cp $INSTALLPATH/conf/trac.ini $INSTALLPATH/conf/trac.ini-backup
cp $BACKUP_PATH/trac.ini-example $INSTALLPATH/conf/trac.ini
rm -rf $INSTALLPATH/plugins/nevernotifyupdaterplugin-0.0.* $INSTALLPATH/eggs/*
trac-admin $INSTALLPATH upgrade
trac-admin $INSTALLPATH wiki upgrade
trac-admin $INSTALLPATH deploy $DEPLOYPATH/
chmod ugo+x $DEPLOYPATH/cgi-bin/ $DEPLOYPATH/htdocs/
# downgrade genshi from 7.3 to 6.0 due to error when adding an attachment:
easy_install -U Genshi==0.6
# upgrade setuptools
easy_install -U setuptools==1.4.2
# (This is still needed on trac 1.0.x, on 1.2 ist is obsolete)
cd /tmp
wget "https://trac-hacks.org/browser/nevernotifyupdaterplugin/1.0?r│
unzip 1.0\?r*
cd 1.0/
python setup.py bdist_egg
cp dist/nevernotifyupdaterplugin-1.0-py2.7.egg $INSTALLPATH/plugins/
VHOST=$(cat <<EOF
<VirtualHost *:80>
Alias /trac/chrome/common $DEPLOYPATH/htdocs/site/common
Alias /trac/chrome/site $DEPLOYPATH/htdocs/site
<Directory "$DEPLOYPATH/htdocs">
Require all granted
<Location "/trac">
##trac mit mod_wsgi
WSGIDaemonProcess trac user=trac group=trac threads=25
WSGIScriptAlias /trac $DEPLOYPATH/cgi-bin/trac.wsgi
<Directory $DEPLOYPATH/apache>
WSGIApplicationGroup %{GLOBAL}
Require all granted
<Directory $DEPLOYPATH/cgi-bin>
Require all granted
<Directory $DEPLOYPATH/htdocs/common>
Require all granted
<Directory $DEPLOYPATH/htdocs/site>
Require all granted
echo "${VHOST}" > /etc/apache2/sites-available/trac-example.conf
a2ensite trac-example
On a fresh installed systen, disable the default apache config
rm /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf
then restart apache
service apache2 restart