I would like to store e-mails sent by me to others using the "From" field to a folder called "/sent"
So, I use:
And it used to work fine. However, now I am also forwarding my e-mail from the address:user@outlook.com, what is happending is that the e-mail envelope contains the header: Resent-From.*user@outlook.com so all forwarded e-mail is being saved to the sent folder.
Is it possible to have a double condition. That is something that says that if both Resent-From and From have *user@outlook.com, then it should go to the sent-folder. In other words, is it possible to use a AND or OR or Negation condition.
Update: The provided solution is correct. I was making an error in that I had neglected the ":". Thanks for both the solution and the patience. I also learnt a number of things and about a number of resources, for which also I am grateful,
Procmail by default does exactly what you ask. Multiple conditions will be ANDed together. The first one which fails causes the recipe to be abandoned; if they all succeed, the action is taken.
:0 # second colon removed - don't use lock on directories
* ^From:(.*\<)?user@outlook\.com
* ^Resent-From:(.*\<)?user@outlook\.com
Notice also how I modified your regex to tighten it up.
To do NOT, add a !
in front of the condition. To do OR, you can negate both conditions, and take the action in the "else" part (de Morgan's law).
* ! First condition
* ! Other condition
{ } # do nothing
:0E # else, meaning at least one was true
Of course, if both conditions are regular expressions, you can simply use the regex or operator.
* First condition|Other condition