
Kubernetes Pods Terminated - Exit Code 137

I need some advise on an issue I am facing with k8s 1.14 and running gitlab pipelines on it. Many jobs are throwing up exit code 137 errors and I found that it means that the container is being terminated abruptly.

Cluster information:

Kubernetes version: 1.14 Cloud being used: AWS EKS Node: C5.4xLarge

After digging in, I found the below logs:

**kubelet: I0114 03:37:08.639450**  4721 image_gc_manager.go:300] [imageGCManager]: Disk usage on image filesystem is at 95% which is over the high threshold (85%). Trying to free 3022784921 bytes down to the low threshold (80%).

**kubelet: E0114 03:37:08.653132**  4721 kubelet.go:1282] Image garbage collection failed once. Stats initialization may not have completed yet: failed to garbage collect required amount of images. Wanted to free 3022784921 bytes, but freed 0 bytes

**kubelet: W0114 03:37:23.240990**  4721 eviction_manager.go:397] eviction manager: timed out waiting for pods runner-u4zrz1by-project-12123209-concurrent-4zz892_gitlab-managed-apps(d9331870-367e-11ea-b638-0673fa95f662) to be cleaned up

**kubelet: W0114 00:15:51.106881**   4781 eviction_manager.go:333] eviction manager: attempting to reclaim ephemeral-storage

**kubelet: I0114 00:15:51.106907**   4781 container_gc.go:85] attempting to delete unused containers

**kubelet: I0114 00:15:51.116286**   4781 image_gc_manager.go:317] attempting to delete unused images

**kubelet: I0114 00:15:51.130499**   4781 eviction_manager.go:344] eviction manager: must evict pod(s) to reclaim ephemeral-storage 

**kubelet: I0114 00:15:51.130648**   4781 eviction_manager.go:362] eviction manager: pods ranked for eviction:

 1. runner-u4zrz1by-project-10310692-concurrent-1mqrmt_gitlab-managed-apps(d16238f0-3661-11ea-b638-0673fa95f662)
 2. runner-u4zrz1by-project-10310692-concurrent-0hnnlm_gitlab-managed-apps(d1017c51-3661-11ea-b638-0673fa95f662)

 3. runner-u4zrz1by-project-13074486-concurrent-0dlcxb_gitlab-managed-apps(63d78af9-3662-11ea-b638-0673fa95f662)

 4. prometheus-deployment-66885d86f-6j9vt_prometheus(da2788bb-3651-11ea-b638-0673fa95f662)

 5. nginx-ingress-controller-7dcc95dfbf-ld67q_ingress-nginx(6bf8d8e0-35ca-11ea-b638-0673fa95f662)

And then the pods get terminated resulting in the exit code 137s.

Can anyone help me understand the reason and a possible solution to overcome this?

Thank you :)


  • Was able to solve the problem.

    The nodes initially had 20G of ebs volume and on a c5.4xlarge instance type. I increased the ebs to 50 and 100G but that did not help as I kept seeing the below error:

    "Disk usage on image filesystem is at 95% which is over the high threshold (85%). Trying to free 3022784921 bytes down to the low threshold (80%). "

    I then changed the instance type to c5d.4xlarge which had 400GB of cache storage and gave 300GB of EBS. This solved the error.

    Some of the gitlab jobs were for some java applications that were eating away lot of cache space and writing lot of logs.