I'm looking at this answer from another question and trying to test it out.
One problem I'm having is a couple of the methods seem to have changed in newer versions of Androidplot. For whatever reason I can't figure out what replacement methods I'm meant to use.
The methods in question are:
My ultimate goal is to be able to place markers on the graph traces
Ok I've figured getXVal/getYVal gets replaced with screenToSeriesX/screenToSeriesY, the rest are still unknown :(
I eventually figured it out :)
gets replaced with plot2.getRegistry().getSeriesList().iterator().next()
& getYVal
gets replaced with screenToSeriesX
& screenToSeriesY
For ValPixConverter
I just copied the class from an older version of Androidplot.
This was enough to get me playing around with placing markers/cursor on the graph but a better solution will be formulated for the future.