I'm trying to use my own monad (instead of IO
) with customExecParser
So I've ended up with (significant function being fff
data MoscConfig = MoscConfig {
datadir :: FilePath
, config :: FilePath
, pendingPath :: FilePath
, socket :: FilePath
type Mosco = StateT MoscConfig IO
main :: IO ()
main = join . customExecParser (prefs showHelpOnError) $
info (helper <*> parser)
( fullDesc
fff :: (a1 -> StateT MoscConfig IO a2) -> a1 -> IO a2
fff f = (flip evalStateT (MoscConfig "" "" "" "")) . f
xyzz :: Text -> Mosco ()
xyzz x = do
liftIO $ print x
liftIO $ print "testabcxyz"
xyzz' :: Text -> Text -> Mosco ()
xyzz' x x' = do
liftIO $ print x
liftIO $ print x'
liftIO $ print "testabcxyz"
parser :: Parser (IO ())
parser = do
fff xyzz <$> textOption ( long "zzz" )
((fmap fff) xyzz')
<$> textOption ( long "zzz" )
<*> textOption ( long "zzz" )
However, the only disadvantage with the above approach is needing to fmap
the required number of times (matching the function arguments in xyzz
or xyzz
). I do recall running into this type of problem before. Is there some way I can avoid this (and just have a single function needing to be called)?
Ideally I'd hope to have a monad transformer for this but unfortunately this seems to be implemented to IO
I think this boils down to the question: is there a function fff
that can be applied to both of:
xyzz :: a -> r
xyzz' :: a -> b -> r
so that:
fff xyzz :: a -> r'
fff xyzz' :: a -> b -> r'
And the answer is "no", at least not without some type class trickery that isn't worth considering.
Instead, assuming your real version of fff
doesn't actually do anything with f
except compose with it, I guess I would consider writing:
fff :: Parser (Mosco a) -> Parser (IO a)
fff = fmap $ flip evalStateT (MoscConfig "" "" "" "")
parser :: Parser (IO ())
parser = fff (xyzz <$> textOption ( long "zzz" ))
<|> fff (xyzz' <$> textOption ( long "zzz" ) <*> textOption ( long "zzz" ))
This whole approach seems a little "off", though. Do you really need a MoscConfig
available while parsing options? Unless you have a really complicated options parsing problem on your hands, it would be more usual to parse the options directly into an intermediate data structure and then run your Mosco
actions against that data structure to modify a MoscConfig
state and do IO
and so on.