
How to calculate column sum

I asked this kind of question before, but didn't receive any good answers, perhaps because the code was too long or my question was unclear. For this time I will try to do my best :) So far I've written code to find from a table the row sum, which works fine:

<cfloop list="#product_id_list#" index="product_index">
    <cfloop list="#month_list#" index="month_index">
        <cfoutput query="GET_SALES_TOTAL">
            <cfif AY eq month_index and product_id eq product_index>
                <cfloop list="#type_index#" index="tt_index">
                    <cfset 'alan_#tt_index#_#month_index#_#product_index#' = evaluate(tt_index)>
<cfset 'total_#ii_index#_#p_index#'=evaluate('total_#ii_index#_#p_index#') + #evaluate('alan_#ii_index#_#ddd_other#_#p_index#')#>

Now I want to find a column sum. The code for the column sum works, but incorrectly. It counts the sum of the last product:

<cfloop list="#product_id_list#" index="product_index">
    <cfloop list="#month_list#" index="month_index">
        <cfoutput query="GET_SALES_TOTAL">
            <cfif AY eq month_index and product_id eq product_index>
                <cfloop list="#type_index#" index="tt_index">
                    <cfset 'alan2_#tt_index#_#month_index#_#product_index#' = evaluate(tt_index)>
<cfset 'total2_#ddd_other#_#p_index#'=evaluate('total2_#ddd_other#_#p_index#') + #evaluate('alan2_#ii_index#_#ddd_other#_#p_index#')#>

The output for the row sum:

<cfloop list="#product_id_list#" index="p_index">
    <cfloop list="#type_index#" index="kk_ind">
        <td align="center">
          <font color="##FF0000">#TLFormat(evaluate('total_#kk_ind#_#p_index#'),0)#</font>

and the output for column sum:

<cfloop list="#month_list#" index="kk">
 <td align="center">
   <cfset satis_oran= evaluate('total2_#kk#_#p_index#')>

I know that I didn't loop the column output by product id, because once I loop it, it generates a lot of <td>'s, meaning a lot of irrelevant data. What can be the mistake here?


  • This is very hard to follow.

    Some suggestions....

    Try to do this in sql statement

    You may be able to simply use a GROUP statement to sum all of these values. Something like...

    select productindex
        , datepart('yyyy', datecolumn) as year
        , datepart('mm', datecolumn) as month
        , sum(valcolumn) as valcolumnsum
    from productinfo
    group by productindex, datepart('yyyy', datecolumn), datepart('mm', datecolumn)

    If not all months or products are actually in the returned query that is ok. You can still loop over products and months later.

    Don't use evaluate

    It is my understanding that CF is literally compiling on the fly which is very slow. If you need to reference a variable name dynamically use a scope and brackets. If you are actually saving statements to be evaluated later there are probably alternatives

    Don't use font tags

    I haven't used a font tag in probably the last 6 years. Unless working on some legacy code dependent on it the font tag should not be used.