Built in browser elements have event attributes which execute arbitrary javascript as described below
Is there any way to create a custom element with a similar behaving custom event handler attribute, and is there a standard pattern for doing so? Where the {some custom eventType}="{some code}" executes with the correct values in scope and the this binding set correctly.
<some-custom-element oncustomevent="alert('worked')" />
First question is: Do you really want to allow executing code from a string? Because it requires eval()
There is nothing wrong with using eval()
when you understand the implications:
detail (see connectedCallback
) function triggerEvent(name, code = "console.warn('No code parameter')") {
console.log(name, this);
if (this === window) console.warn('no element scope');
try {
if (typeof code === "string") eval(code);
else console.warn("code is not a string")
} catch (e) { console.error(e) }
customElements.define("my-element", class extends HTMLElement {
static get observedAttributes() {
return ['onevent'];
constructor() {
this.onclick = () => triggerEvent.call(this, "element Click", "console.log('from element click')");
connectedCallback() {
document.addEventListener("onevent", evt => {
triggerEvent.call(this, "EventListener", evt.detail);
attributeChangedCallback(name, oldValue, newValue) {
if (name === "onevent") {
triggerEvent.call(this, "attributeChangedCallback", newValue);
set onevent(newValue) {
triggerEvent.call(this, "setter", newValue);
setTimeout(() => document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("onevent", {
detail: "console.log('from dispatchEvent detail')"
})), 2000); //execute after elements listen
<my-element onevent="console.log('from element attribute')">click my-element</my-element>
<button onclick="document.querySelector('my-element').onevent='console.log("from button")'"
>Call setter</button>
JSFiddle playground at: https://jsfiddle.net/WebComponents/ezacw5xL/