
Mapping of YAWL onto BPMN and vice versa

Can somebody please guide me whether there is an overview (diagram?) showing which language elements map onto each other (or a construct in the other language) and which are unique in either BPMN or YAWL?

Can somebody please tell me which YAWL elements are not mapped onto BPMN elements and vice versa?

References: Aside from the two respective defining foundations, all I find is in-depth info is a research paper on Transformation of BPMN to YAWL (which is one-way).

Disclaimer: I am fluent in BPM (in particular BPMN), as well as graph theory in general, but I am new to YAWL.


  • There is a YAWL XML format definition which can be compared with the BPMN XML format definition.

    [The YAWL Usergroup] would also like to point you to Apromore and a related discussion in the YAWL User Group Forum:

    1. There is an XSD file that specifies the YAWL XML format
    2. There is a tool called apromore which converts BPMN or other formats into the YAWL XML format.