
ClamAV installation issue

Ansilbe role ansible-role-clamav

May I know if there are any changes in the ClamAV package names?

OS - RHEL Server release 7.7 (Mapio)

Ansible version - 2.8.2

Its installation is failing with the below error.

TASK [ansible-role-clamav : Install ClamAV packages]
fatal: [base-image]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "No package matching 'clamav-server' found available, installed or updated", "rc": 126, "results": ["No package matching 'clamav-server' found available, installed or updated"]}[0m


  • I think the packages have changed based on this.

    New packages: [ 'clamav', 'clamav-data', 'clamav-devel', 'clamav-filesystem', 'clamav-lib', 'clamav-milter', 'clamav-update', 'clamav-unofficial-sigs', 'clamd']