
Scheduled task output to html Coldfuson 2016

We ported to CF 2016 and now encounters error in scheduled task

This code used to work:

<cfschedule action="update" task="ia_scheduler" operation="HTTPRequest"
        url="#sURL#" startdate="#runDate#" starttime="#runTime#"
        path="#request.basepath#" file="ia_scheduler.html"
        resolveurl="yes" publish="yes" interval="3600" requesttimeout="900">

If I change the html to .txt it will work but I prefer it in html extension

file="ia_scheduler.html" to file="ia_scheduler.txt"

The error throws

Invalid extension of the file name.
Valid extensions are : log,txt. 

How can I save to html file in cfschedule?


  • I've go through your issues. Here the name of the file in which to store the published output of the scheduled task. The file can only have a .txt or .log extension by default. You can add more extensions in
    cfusion\lib\neo-cron xml.

    You can check that xml file have only log,txt in under string tag. So you have to add html also. Then check with html files too. Hopefully it will work. Thank you.