I'm trying to join two text files based on their first columns and where those columns are the same I want to keep all the columns from the second file.
action e KK SS @ n
adham a d h a m
adidas a d i d a s
administration e d m i n i s t r e SS @ n
administrative e d m i n i s t r e t i v
admiral e d m aj r @ l
adnan a d n a n
ado a d o
adan a d @ n
adap a d a p
adapka a d a p k a
adrenalin @ d r e n @ l i n
adrian a d r j a n
adat a d a t
adtec e d t e k
adult @ d a l t
yen j e n
I'd like to get everything from list1.txt
that matches list2.txt
plus all the other columns in list2.txt
. List3.txt
should look like this.
action e KK SS @ n
adan a d @ n
adap a d a p
adapka a d a p k a
adat a d a t
yen j e n
I've tried the following command from here:
$awk -F: 'FNR==NR{a[$1]=$0;next}{if($1 in a){print a[$1];} else {print;}}' List1.txt List2.txt > List3.txt
I've also tried this:
$comm <(sort List2.txt) <(sort List1.txt)
I'm sure there are ways to do this is awk, but join is also relatively simple.
join -1 1 -2 1 List1.txt <(sort -k 1,1 List2.txt) > List3.txt
You are joining List1
based on the first column, and joining List2
also based on the first column. You then need to make sure the files are sorted in alphabetical order so join can work.
This produces the columns you want, separated by a whitespace.
action e KK SS @ n
adan a d @ n
adap a d a p
adapka a d a p k a
adat a d a t
yen j e n