I would like to send my users directly to a specific log group and filter but I need to be able to generate the proper URL format. For example, this URL
will take you to a log group named /my/log/group/goes/here
and filter messages with this pattern for the past 2 days:
[incoming_ip, user_name, user_ip , timestamp, request != "GET /health_checks/all *", status_code = 5* || status_code = 429, bytes, url, user_agent]
I can decode part of the URL but I don't know what some of the other characters should be (see below), but this doesn't really look like any standard HTML encoding to me. Does anyone know a encoder/decoder for this URL format?
%252F == /
$252C == ,
$255B == [
$255D == ]
$253D == =
$2521 == !
$2522 == "
$252F == _
$257C == |
$2B == +
$26 == &
$3D == =
$3F == ?
I have created a bit of Ruby code that seems to satisfy the CloudWatch URL parser. I'm not sure why you have to double escape some things and then replace %
with $
in others. I'm guessing there is some reason behind it but I couldn't figure out a nice way to do it, so I'm just brute forcing it. If you have something better, or know why they do this, please add a comment.
NOTE: The filter
I tested with is kinda basic and I'm not sure what might need to change if you get really fancy with it.
# Basic URL that is the same across all requests
url = 'https://console.aws.amazon.com/cloudwatch/home?region=us-east-1#logsV2:log-groups/log-group/'
# CloudWatch log group
log_group = '/aws/my/log/group'
# Either specify the instance you want to search or leave it out to search all instances
instance = '/log-events/i-xxxxxxxxxxxx'
instance = '/log-events'
# The filter to apply.
filter = '[incoming_ip, user_name, user_ip , timestamp, request, status_code = 5*, bytes, url, user_agent]'
# Start time. There might be an End time as well but my queries haven't used
# that yet so I'm not sure how it's formatted. It should be pretty similar
# though.
hours = 48
start = "&start=-#{hours*60*60*1000}"
# This will get you the final URL
final = url + CGI.escape(CGI.escape(log_group)) + instance + '$3FfilterPattern$3D' + CGI.escape(CGI.escape(filter)).gsub('%','$') + CGI.escape(start).gsub('%','$')