
Google Data Studio: How to count number of specific events

I know similar questions were asked before, but none of the answers that I found (example here, another example) helped me.

What I am trying to do:

Create a report in Google Data Studio that shows me number of Unique Page Views VS Specific Event. For example: how many users visited page X, and how many of those clicked in button Y.

enter image description here (Example of what I am trying to achieve) ☝️

What I already have:

Google Analytics is configured and events are tracked. When I go to Google Analytics I can see the numbers there. Google Data Studio is already connected to my Google Analytics and the numbers are matching.

What I tried so far:

Test 1

Create a chart using Unique Page Views and Unique Events metrics and set a filter with Event Name = "Button clicked", but that filters my Unique Page Views metric and I end up with wrong numbers.

Test 2

Create a Calculated Field using:

SUM(case when REGEXP_MATCH(Event Action, "Button clicked") then 1 else 0 end)

or using:

COUNT(case when REGEXP_MATCH(Event Action, "Button clicked" ) then "Button clicked" else NULL end)

But this only returns 1

Appreciate any other ideas 💡


  • Try data blending feature:

    1. Create first plot with Visitors/Users or Unique Page View.
    2. Create second plot with Unique Event filtered as you want.
    3. Select both plots, right-click on one of them, select Blend data.

    Example (with addition of unfiltered plot for comparison): Plot comparison