I am trying to configure a Selenide driver within the Selenium-Jupiter framework, to use my remote grid url but it keeps ignoring the configuration, and just runs the local installed browser. Here is how I am trying to configure it. Any idea what might be wrong here?
import com.codeborne.selenide.Configuration;
import com.codeborne.selenide.SelenideConfig;
import io.github.bonigarcia.seljup.SelenideConfiguration;
import static com.codeborne.selenide.Browsers.CHROME;
public abstract class ChromeTest extends BaseTest {
SelenideConfig selenideConfig = new SelenideConfig();
private String getSeleniumRemote() {
System.getProperty("selenide.remote", "");
public ChromeTest() {
if (getSelenideRemote().isEmpty()) {
} else {
Configuration.timeout = 6000;
Configuration.remote = getSelenideRemote();
I know the regular RemoteWebDriver works and I can get that working but I am hoping to use Selenide in the above example:
void testWithRemoteSelenide(@DriverUrl("http://127.1:4444/wd/hub")
@DriverCapabilities("browserName=" + CHROME) SelenideDriver driver)
I can get it to work with the annotation, but the problem is that I need that annotation to be conditional on passing a param to the tests. I want to be able to easily switch using grid or local. Thanks for your help anyone.
Ok, after almost 48 hours an no reponse, I finally figured out the solution. Here it is:
test {
ignoreFailures = false
beforeTest { descriptor ->
logger.lifecycle("Running test: $descriptor.className")
systemProperty "env", System.getProperty("env")
def remote = System.getProperty("selenide.remote", "")
if (!remote.isEmpty()) {
systemProperty("selenide.remote", remote)
Then, in my test base class:
public abstract class ChromeTest extends BaseTest {
SelenideConfig selenideConfig = new SelenideConfig();
* This config is equivilant to the documented method:
* Example: test(@DriverUrl("http://127.1:4444/wd/hub")
* @DriverCapabilities("browserName=chrome") SelenideDriver sd)
public ChromeFormTest() {
if (getSelenideRemote().isEmpty()) {
} else {
Configuration.timeout = 6000;
Configuration.remote = getSelenideRemote();
Then, when I execute, it looks like this:
gradle clean test -Denv=sys -Dselenide.remote=http://127.1:4444/wd/hub
--info --tests com.qa.suite.*
And the constructor of each test looks like:
public void testWhatever(SelenideDriver sd) {