For the HelpCovid GPLv3+ web server application (git commit dff3ab1521ed579cbf2
at end of March 2020, probably in function hcv_initialize_database
of our file
) in C++ for Linux (work in progress) using libpqxx with PostgreSQL 11 on Debian/Buster, we would like at startup time to issue one single SQL query which adds a message to the PostGreSQL log file (e.g. /var/log/postgresql/postgresql-11-main.log
in our test environment).
The intuition would be that just after creating the tables we would issue some SQL like
--- wrong fictional PostgreSQL query
ADD TO POSTGRESQL LOG FILE ("start of helpcovid pid 1234 commit dff3ab1521ed+ on localhost");
with the hope that something similar to
2020-03-31 17:00:01.656 CEST [13262] helpcovid_usr@helpcovid_db start of helpcovid pid 1234 commit dff3ab1521ed+ on localhost
would be added to /var/log/postgresql/postgresql-11-main.log
This mostly to facilitate debugging and paging that postgresql-11-main.log
file (or syslogs, if PostgreSQL logs there).
Is there a quick and dirty way to achieve this?
, but how ?
Try using a DO
DO $$BEGIN RAISE LOG 'whatever'; END;$$;
Messages of level LOG
get written to the log file.