
IOS, No output when AUGraphConnectNodeInput is set

I am stuck with AUGraph for a while now and would really appreciate if my problem is resolved. What is am trying to do right now is to play data(bytes) coming from UDP. I have successfully achieved how to play data using AUGraph but i can't figure out how to change its playback speed.

My current scenario is to get Data from UDP, pass it a converter -> newTimePitch -> converter -> ioUnit.

Converters: Converters, convert ASBD of 48000 to desired format for timePitch and again convert it back to 48000 to play from ioUnit.

IOUnit Currently for demonstration i have removed the UDP and played revert back by using 2 different ioUnit (One for recording and other for playing).

CircularBuffer In Recording callback i am pushing data into my circular buffer and in playback Callback i am poping data from it and memcpy to my ioData

Don't be overwhelmed by the code you see. Its simple.

Starting AUGraph and Recording AudioUnit.

private func startRecordingUnit() 
    check(error: AUGraphStart(graph!), description: "Failed to start AUGraph")
    check(error: AudioOutputUnitStart(audioUnit!), description: "Failed to start recording
        audio unit.")

Setup AUGraph

private func setupRecordingUnit(){

    var description = AudioComponentDescription(
        componentType: OSType(kAudioUnitType_Output),
        componentSubType: OSType(kAudioUnitSubType_VoiceProcessingIO),
        componentManufacturer: OSType(kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple),
        componentFlags: 0,
        componentFlagsMask: 0

    let inputComponent = AudioComponentFindNext(nil, &description)
    check(error: AudioComponentInstanceNew(inputComponent!, &audioUnit), description: 
    "Failed to init recording audio unit.")

    check(error: AudioUnitSetProperty(
          description: "Failed to set enable IO for recording."

    check(error: AudioUnitSetProperty(
          description: "Failed to set stream format on output unit with scope input."

    check(error: NewAUGraph(&graph), description: "Failed to create AU Graph")

    check(error: AUGraphOpen(graph!), description: "Failed to open AUGraph")

    var outputDesc = AudioComponentDescription(
        componentType: OSType(kAudioUnitType_Output),
        componentSubType: OSType(kAudioUnitSubType_VoiceProcessingIO),
        componentManufacturer: OSType(kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple),
        componentFlags: 0,
        componentFlagsMask: 0

    var firstConverterDesc = AudioComponentDescription(
        componentType: OSType(kAudioUnitType_FormatConverter),
        componentSubType: OSType(kAudioUnitSubType_AUConverter),
        componentManufacturer: OSType(kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple),
        componentFlags: 0,
        componentFlagsMask: 0

    var pitchConverterDesc = AudioComponentDescription(
        componentType: OSType(kAudioUnitType_FormatConverter),
        componentSubType: OSType(kAudioUnitSubType_NewTimePitch),
        componentManufacturer: OSType(kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple),
        componentFlags: 0,
        componentFlagsMask: 0

    var secondConverterDesc = AudioComponentDescription(
        componentType: OSType(kAudioUnitType_FormatConverter),
        componentSubType: OSType(kAudioUnitSubType_AUConverter),
        componentManufacturer: OSType(kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple),
        componentFlags: 0,
        componentFlagsMask: 0

    check(error: AUGraphAddNode(graph!, &firstConverterDesc, &firstConverterNode), 
    description: "Failed to Add Node of First desc")
    check(error: AUGraphAddNode(graph!, &pitchConverterDesc, &newTimePitchNode), 
    description: "Failed to Add Node of new Time Desc")
    check(error: AUGraphAddNode(graph!, &secondConverterDesc, &secondConverterNode), 
    description: "Failed to Add Node of Second desc")
    check(error: AUGraphAddNode(graph!, &outputDesc, &outputNode), description: "Failed to 
    add node of output desc")

    check(error: AUGraphNodeInfo(graph!, firstConverterNode, nil, &firstConverterUnit), 
    description: "Failed to get Node Info of FIRST Unit")
    check(error: AUGraphNodeInfo(graph!, newTimePitchNode, nil, &newTimePitchUnit), 
    description: "Failed to get Node Info of new Time Unit")
    check(error: AUGraphNodeInfo(graph!, secondConverterNode, nil, &secondConverterUnit), 
    description: "Failed to get Node Info of SECOND Unit")
    check(error: AUGraphNodeInfo(graph!, outputNode, nil, &outputUnit), description: "Failed 
    to get Node Info of output Unit");

    var sizeASBD = MemoryLayoutStride.SizeOf32(AudioStreamBasicDescription())
    var ioASBDin = AudioStreamBasicDescription()
    var ioASBDout = AudioStreamBasicDescription()
    AudioUnitGetProperty(newTimePitchUnit!, kAudioUnitProperty_StreamFormat, 
    kAudioUnitScope_Input, kOutputBus, &ioASBDin, &sizeASBD);
    AudioUnitGetProperty(newTimePitchUnit!, kAudioUnitProperty_StreamFormat, 
    kAudioUnitScope_Output, kOutputBus, &ioASBDout, &sizeASBD);

    check(error: AudioUnitSetProperty(firstConverterUnit!, kAudioUnitProperty_StreamFormat, 
    kAudioUnitScope_Input, kOutputBus, &ioFormat, MemoryLayoutStride.SizeOf32(ioFormat)), 
    description: "Failed to set property of FIRST Unit")
    check(error: AudioUnitSetProperty(firstConverterUnit!, kAudioUnitProperty_StreamFormat, 
    kAudioUnitScope_Output, kOutputBus, &ioASBDin, MemoryLayoutStride.SizeOf32(ioASBDin)), 
    description: "Failed to set property first unit to temp format")

    check(error: AudioUnitSetProperty(newTimePitchUnit!, kAudioUnitProperty_StreamFormat, 
    kAudioUnitScope_Input, kOutputBus, &ioASBDin, MemoryLayoutStride.SizeOf32(ioASBDin)), 
    description: "Failed to set property of new Time Pitch")
    check(error: AudioUnitSetProperty(newTimePitchUnit!, kAudioUnitProperty_StreamFormat, 
    kAudioUnitScope_Output, kOutputBus, &ioASBDout, MemoryLayoutStride.SizeOf32(ioASBDout)), 
    description: "Failed to set property of new Time Pitch OUTOUT")

    check(error: AudioUnitSetProperty(secondConverterUnit!, kAudioUnitProperty_StreamFormat, 
    kAudioUnitScope_Input, kOutputBus, &ioASBDout, MemoryLayoutStride.SizeOf32(ioASBDout)), 
    description: "Failed to set property of Second Converter Unit")
    check(error: AudioUnitSetProperty(secondConverterUnit!, kAudioUnitProperty_StreamFormat, 
    kAudioUnitScope_Output, kOutputBus, &ioFormat, MemoryLayoutStride.SizeOf32(ioFormat)), 
    description: "Failed to set property of Second Converter Unit to io Format")

    check(error: AudioUnitSetProperty(outputUnit!, kAudioUnitProperty_StreamFormat, 
    kAudioUnitScope_Input, kOutputBus, &ioFormat, MemoryLayoutStride.SizeOf32(ioFormat)), 
    description: "Failed to set property of OUTPUT Unit")

    // ************************************* RECORDING 

    var recordingCallback = AURenderCallbackStruct(
        inputProc: AudioController_RecordingCallback,
        inputProcRefCon: UnsafeMutableRawPointer(Unmanaged.passUnretained(self).toOpaque())

    check(error: AudioUnitSetProperty(
          description: "Failed to set property on recording callback."
    // *************************************** RECORDING END 

    var playbackCallback = AURenderCallbackStruct(
        inputProc: AudioController_PlaybackCallback,
        inputProcRefCon: UnsafeMutableRawPointer(Unmanaged.passUnretained(self).toOpaque())

    check(error: AUGraphConnectNodeInput(graph!, firstConverterNode, 0, newTimePitchNode, 
    0), description: "Failed to connect FIRST AND timePitch Nodes")
    check(error: AUGraphConnectNodeInput(graph!, newTimePitchNode, 0, secondConverterNode, 
    0), description: "Failed to connect timePitch AND Second Nodes")
    check(error: AUGraphConnectNodeInput(graph!, secondConverterNode, 0, outputNode, 0), 
    description: "Failed to connect Second AND OUTPUT Nodes")

    check(error: AudioUnitSetProperty(outputUnit!, kAudioUnitProperty_SetRenderCallback, 
    kAudioUnitScope_Output, kOutputBus, &playbackCallback, 
    MemoryLayout<AURenderCallbackStruct>.size.ui), description: "Failed to set Property for 
    varispeed Unit 1")

        check(error: AUGraphInitialize(graph!), description: "Unable to initialize AUGraph")


Recording is working fine but playbackCalback doesn't run after I connect it with AUConvertor.

For testing purposes I removed connections AUGraphConnectNodeInput and it started playing. I think something is wrong with connections and I would really appreciate if I understand what is causing the problem.

I have made couple of searches but can't find any useful help.


  • The problem might be that you are setting two inputs to your IO node (remote or voice processing), and no inputs to your audio graph.