It seems "ON OVERFLOW TRUNCATE" feature is not available in snowflake which goes with LISTAGG in Oracle. Is there a alternate function or workaround to it?
select listagg(str, ', ') within group (order by id) as listagg
from (
select id
,sum(length(str))over(order by id) as s_str
from (
select * from values(1,'abcdef'),(2,'dfgsdfh'),(3,'jgeg'),(4,'ergegr') s(id,str)
qualify s_str <= 20
gives the values with total (prior to delimiters)
,sum(length(str)+2)over(order by id) as s_str
allows you to take the size of the delimiter ', ' into account
or if you want some truncating suffix like '...'
then this will do that..
select listagg(str, ', ') within group (order by id) as listagg
from (
select id
,s_str <= 20 as underlimit
,iff(underlimit, str, '...') as str
from (
select id
,sum(length(str)+2)over(order by id) as s_str
from (
select * from values(1,'abcdef'),(2,'dfgsdfh'),(3,'jgeg'),(4,'ergegr') s(id,str)
qualify underlimit or row_number() over (partition by underlimit order by id) = 1
'abcdef, dfgsdfh, ...'
to rewrite as CTEs which does not change anything...
with data as (
select id
,sum(length(str)+2)over(order by id) as s_str
from values
), check_length_and_limit as (
select id
,s_str <= 20 as underlimit
,iff(underlimit, str, '...') as str
from data
qualify underlimit or row_number() over (partition by underlimit order by id) = 1
select listagg(str, ', ') within group (order by id) as listagg
from check_length_and_limit;