I'm trying to build a fairly complex hash and I am strangely getting the error
no implicit conversion from nil to integer
when I use the line
manufacturer_cols << {:field => 'test'}
I use the same line later in the same loop, and it works no problem.
The entire code is
manufacturer_fields.each_with_index do |mapped_field, index|
if mapped_field.base_field_name=='exactSKU'
#this is where it is breaking, if I comment this out, all is good
manufacturer_cols << { :base_field=> 'test'}
#it works fine here!
manufacturer_cols << { :base_field=>mapped_field.base_field_name }
------- value of manufacturer_fields --------
I'm not sure precisely why your code is getting this error but I can tell you exactly what the error means, and perhaps that will help.
There are two kinds of conversions in Ruby: explicit and implicit.
Explicit conversions use the short name, like #to_s
or #to_i.
These are commonly defined in the core, and they are called all the time. They are for objects that are not strings or not integers, but can be converted for debugging or database translation or string interpolation or whatever.
Implicit conversions use the long name, like #to_str
or #to_int.
This kind of conversion is for objects that are very much like strings or integers and merely need to know when to assume the form of their alter egos. These conversions are never or almost never defined in the core. (Hal Fulton's The Ruby Way identifies Pathname as one of the classes that finds a reason to define #to_str
It's quite difficult to get your error, even NilClass
defines explicit (short name) converters:
=> 0
">>#{nil}<<" # this demonstrates nil.to_s
=> ">><<"
You can trigger it like so:
Array.new nil
TypeError: no implicit conversion from nil to integer
Therefore, your error is coming from the C code inside the Ruby interpreter. A core class, implemented in C, is being handed a nil
when it expects an Integer
. It may have a #to_i
but it doesn't have a #to_int
and so the result is the TypeError.