
Copy contents of textarea to input

In this table each row has a text area wd. I want to copy the contents of #wd to #wdi.

That is the user types in wd and the wdi value becomes wd value.

I am assuming I need to use onkeyup function but not sure.

{ %>
<textarea id="wd" rows="4" cols="50" name="wd" ></textarea>

<form method='POST' action="actonissue.jsp" id='form1'>
<input  id='issue_id' name ='issue_id' value='<%=rs1.getString(1)%>' class='disable' type="hidden">
<input  id='wdi' name ='wdi' class='disable' type="hidden" >
<button type="submit" >Resolve Issue</button> </form>
<% } %>


  • You can use keyup function as, note that you need get #wdi within each tr.

    $('[name ="wd"]').keyup(function(){

    $('[name ="wd"]').keyup(function(){
    <script src=""></script>
    <textarea id="wd" rows="4" cols="50" name="wd" ></textarea>
    <form method='POST' action="actonissue.jsp" id='form1'>
    <input  id='issue_id' name ='issue_id' value='test1' class='disable' type="hidden">
    <input  id='wdi' name ='wdi' class='disable' type="hidden" >
    <button type="submit" >Resolve Issue</button> </form>
    <textarea id="wd" rows="4" cols="50" name="wd" ></textarea>
    <form method='POST' action="actonissue.jsp" id='form1'>
    <input  id='issue_id' name ='issue_id' value='test2' class='disable' type="hidden">
    <input  id='wdi' name ='wdi' class='disable' type="hidden" >
    <button type="submit" >Resolve Issue</button> </form>