
Regional Proximity UI

I'm developing a UI (AJAX-enabled; LAMP server) which will allow a user to designate regions in which a company operates. A "region" in this case may be a state (if dealing with the US) a province (Canada), or entire country (everyone else).

As there are 195 countries in the world, I would like to avoid a multi-select box or list of checkboxes. In the workflow leading to this particular screen, the user will have already entered the full address of the company, so I have a starting region to work from.

Since the majority of companies only operate out of their own region, and those covering multiple regions tend not to branch out too far, I am considering displaying the list of regions gradually based on proximity. I realize at some point (I'm using 3 passes for now) the full list will need to be displayed; I'm just trying to delay the user from reaching that point as it's a definite edge case.

Here is a PNG mockup that explains this concept a bit more clearly. (196kb)



  • Are you expecting users to read the map in order to know what list of checkboxes to go to? If your users have than level of geographic ability, then it’s less work for them to select the regions directly from the map, rather than have them make the map-to-Proximity-Level cognitive transfer, followed by a Proximity-Level-to-region transfer.

    If some users do not have that level geographic expertise (you may be surprised how many Americans cannot find their own state on a US map), then I’d try, perhaps in addition to the map, no more than two lists, one proximal (the default) with regions close to the home address, and one exhaustive. I can’t see users with weak geographic abilities being be able to handle multiple arbitrary levels of proximity. People who can’t read maps well are not going to able to estimate the proximity level of one region to another. So the idea is to try a proximal list and if that doesn’t work, then forget about proximity and go exhaustive –don’t send your users wandering among proximity levels looking for Idaho (“I swear it’s near Indiana”).

    By default, show the proximal list with regions likely to satisfy most of your users based on research of your likely clients. A “more” button displays the exhaustive list. Both lists should be sorted alphabetically, except first subdivide the exhaustive list into States of the US, Provinces & Territories of Canada, and Country (which includes the US (all) and Canada (all)).

    You can provide some command buttons to select multiple regions (e.g., “All 48 contiguous US states, All of South America), allowing users to de-select some regions afterward. For this reason, I wouldn’t roll anything up until the user commits the input.

    As an example of someone using a map plus list (all in HTML, no less), see