
AWS Cognito - PostSignUp Trigger Not Working

i have a post signup trigger setup to store the user details in DynamoDb table. This works fine when the user signs up on their own through the front-end but the trigger is never invoked if the user is created through AdminCreateUser API. Our assumption was after the newly added user gets an email with a temporary password and logins through the front-end, Cognito will invoke the postsignup trigger.

Is that an expected behavior? And also, how do we address this issue?


  • Although that's counter intuitive, seems that's the expected behavior.

    Post Confirmation trigger is not invoked when a user is created via AdminCreateUser API.

    Workaround could be to to use Post Authentication trigger and during processing of the fired event to check if cognito:user_status is FORCE_CHANGE_PASSWORD.

    When a user is created using AdminCreateUser, status of the new user is set to FORCE_CHANGE_PASSWORD. Once user logs in and changes temporary password, status is changed to CONFIRMED.

    Downside is that trigger is invoked after every login.