I'm a newbie in Lilypond and am trying to write a sheet music with chord names and a bass line. I'd like to show the chord names above the staff; however, they are actually shown below the staff. I'm writing baseChords
before baseMelody
, but it doesn't help at all. Here's my entire code:
baseChords = \chords {
\set chordChanges = ##t
c1:m7 f:7 bes:maj7 ees:maj7
a:m7.5- d:7.13- g:m6 g:m6
baseMelody = \fixed c {
\language "english"
c4 c ef g,
f, f, a, c
bf, bf, d f,
ef ef g, bf,
a, a, c ef
d d fs, a,
g, g, bf, d
g, g, bf, d
melody = {
\key g \minor
\clef bass
\tempo 4 = 108
\score {
\new Staff <<
\new Voice \melody
\layout { }
\score {
\new Staff <<
\new Voice {
\set Staff.midiInstrument = #"electric bass (finger)" \melody
\midi { }
... I referred to Demo MidiInstruments to write this code. This is too complicated for me, but I'd also like to play the MIDI, so I can't avoid using that. This is the best I can do for now. Please help me. Thank you in advance.
I think the best approach is to keep the chords and the melody separated, and then you can simply create a ChordNames
in the score
block above the Staff
\language "english"
chord_sequence = \chords {
\set chordChanges = ##t
c1:m7 f:7 bf:maj7 ef:maj7
a:m7.5- d:7.13- g:m6 g:m6
melody = \fixed c {
\key g \minor
\clef bass
\tempo 4 = 108
c4 c ef g,
f, f, a, c
bf, bf, d f,
ef ef g, bf,
a, a, c ef
d d fs, a,
g, g, bf, d
g, g, bf, d
\score {
\new ChordNames {
\new Staff {
\layout {}