
Is there a way to add spaces into a score without using rests?

Something that looks like this:

enter image description here

In case you're wondering, I'm trying to type up melodic dictations for a mock AP Music Theory exam.

Edit: didn't include this originally, but I couldn't find anything about this just searching or looking at LilyPond's documentation, so I came here

Any help would be appreciated, thank you!


  • The solution that I found is to use \hideNotes, then just use filler; for instance,

    \stemOff bes,4 \hideNotes bes,8 bes,8 bes,8 bes,8 bes,8 bes,8 bes,8 bes,8 bes,8 bes,8 bes,8 bes,8 bes,8 bes,8 bes,8 bes,8 bes,8 bes,8 bes,8 bes,8 bes,8 bes,8 bes,8 bes,8 bes,8 bes,8 bes,8 bes,8 bes,8 bes,8 \bar "|." 


    enter image description here