
Use of doxygen's \link command

I have an external HTML file I'd like to have linked form either my doxygen "Related Pages" tab or the left hand frame. It seems I need to use the \link command but I can't find a good example of how to use it or where. I am currently using doxywizard to generate the HTML.

So, is \link something I incorporate into my doxygen config file or do I add it when I build the HTML somehow?


So I ended up having to do the following:

  1. Create a new page (docs_main.html) that had the following:

    /*! \mainpage MY TITLE HERE
     * \section intro_sec External resources
     * <a href="link_to_my_external_page.html">My external page</a>
  2. Include that page in my doxygen included files list

  3. Rebuild my documentation

That added to my doxygen "Main Page" the following


My external page (which was a link to that page)


  • Doxygen allows you to insert certain HTML commands in to your documentation, including links. In case you didn't know this is how you make a link in HTML:

    <a href="externalfile.html">External file</a>

    cdiggins' answer is also worth reading.