
Practical advice on using Jersey and Guice for RESTful service

From what I can find online, the state of the art for Guice + Jersey integration has stagnated since 2008 when it appears both teams reached an impasse. The crux of the issue is that JAX-RS annotations perform field and method injection and this doesn't play nicely with Guice's own dependency injection.

A few examples which I've found don't go far enough to elucidate:

What I find lacking are practical examples and explanations on how to combine JAX-RS and Guice annotations. For instance:

Does anyone have examples, preferably with source, of non-trivial application which combines Jersey and Guice without sacrificing one or the other in the process? I'm keeping on this road regardless, but the bits and pieces on the Jersey and Guice lists makes me think I'm repeating the work of others who came before me.


  • Guice integration with Jersey has not stagnated. The opposite is true. Thanks to Paul and his cohorts behind Jersey, the latest 1.7 release contains a special JerseyServletModule class to work with Guice-based servlets. Guice-based constructor injection into JAX-RS resource works! The issue is using JAX-RS annotations such as @QueryParam in the constructor of a JAX-RS resource. You don't need it! You use Guice for POJO injection all the way including singletons. Then JAX-RS is just icing on the cake for parsing HTTP-based RESTful APIs such as URL path, query parameters, content-type and etc. You don't need an "industrial strength" example either. Both Guice and Jersey are already battle tested. You just need a complete working example to see how it works. Then you can experiment advanced features on your own. Check out the following link for a complete example using Guice 3.0 and Jersey 1.7, which are all latest releases: