
Default value used for Kernel density SAS

I'm using SAS to plot an histogram with the Kernel density. In the documentation, it is specified that we can choose the parameter c: "the standardized bandwidth for a number that is greater than 0 and less than or equal to 100." But I cannot find the default value used to create the following plot.

Does someone have an idea? Thanks!


  • SGPLOT minimizes the Asymptotic Mean Integrated Square Error (AMISE) for the kernel density function. According to PROC UNIVARIATE, which also can do KDE:

    By default, the procedure uses the AMISE method to compute kernel density estimates.

    PROC UNIVARIATE documentation

    We can confirm that they both have the same default by comparing the output.

    proc univariate;
        var horsepower;
        histogram / kernel;

    In the log, we find:

    NOTE: The normal kernel estimate for c=0.7852 has a bandwidth of 21.035 and an AMISE of 392E-7.

    Let's plot them together and compare the values.

    proc sgplot;  
       density horsepower/TYPE=KERNEL;  
       density horsepower/TYPE=KERNEL(c=0.7852);
       ods output sgplot;
    data diff;
        set sgplot;
        abs_diff = abs(KERNEL_Horsepower____Y - KERNEL_Horsepower_C_0_7852____Y);
    proc univariate data=diff;
        var abs_diff;

    enter image description here

    The average difference between all points plotted is 1.65x10^-9, with the overall largest being 6.76x10^-9. This is, essentially, zero. The reason for the differences is that the c-value given to the user in the log is lower precision than the one calculated by proc sgplot. You can get a higher precision estimate with the outkernel= option in proc univariate as well.