Lets say I've the following table,
I'd like to implement a search on the movie title and pass comma separated values (search with multiple keywords)
For example,
search text: Batman result: Records #1,2
search text: Batman, Return result: Records #1,2,3,4
search text: Lord, Love result: Records #4,5,8
Without looping for each of the keyword, can this be implemented in one call using the LIKE search (or something else) in Spring Data JPA?
I suspect you have an entity like this
public class Movie {
Long id;
String title;
//getters, setters ...
Then you need repository extends JpaSpecificationExecutor
public interface MovieRepository
extends JpaRepository<Movie, Long>, JpaSpecificationExecutor<Movie> {
and Specification utility class
public class MovieSpecification {
public static Specification<Movie> titleContains(String searchWord) {
return (root, query, builder) -> {
Expression<String> titleLowerCase = builder.lower(root.get("title"));
return builder.like(titleLowerCase, "%" + searchWord.toLowerCase() + "%")
Usage on service layer:
MovieRepository repository;
public List<Movie> getMoviesWhereTitleContainsAnyWord(List<String> words) {
if(words.isEmpty()) {
return Collections.emptyList();
Specification<Movie> specification = null;
for(String word : words) {
Specification<Movie> wordSpecification = MovieSpecification.titleContains(word);
if(specification == null) {
specification = wordSpecification;
} else {
specification = specification.or(wordSpecification);
return repository.findAll(specification);
The more words you pass to the method the slower your query become due to multiple or