I am using an Angular Directive to toggle showing and hiding password fields in a form.
I have been able to achieve the overall objective of toggling the password's value however, I cannot seem to be able to toggle the text that is rendered in the button to reflect the state of the input field.
How can I be able to toggle the button's text to HIDE once a user clicks on it to reveal the entered password, then toggle it back to SHOW once the user clicks the button to hide the password?
Here is the code base:
import { Directive, ElementRef, HostListener, Renderer2 } from '@angular/core';
selector: '[passToggle]'
export class ToggleDirective {
visible: boolean = false;
constructor(private el: ElementRef, private renderer: Renderer2) { }
div = this.renderer.createElement('div');
span = this.renderer.createElement('span');
ngOnInit() {
buildInputAppend () {
this.renderer.addClass(this.div, 'input-group-append');
this.renderer.addClass(this.span, 'input-group-text');
const text = this.renderer.createText('Show');
this.renderer.appendChild(this.span, text);
this.renderer.appendChild(this.div, this.span);
this.renderer.appendChild(this.el.nativeElement, this.div);
@HostListener('click') onClick() {
this.visible = !this.visible;
const parent = this.el.nativeElement.parentNode;
const input = this.el.nativeElement.firstChild;
if (!this.visible) {
input.setAttribute('type', 'text');
} else {
input.setAttribute('type', 'password');
The HTML template:
<div class="form-group">
<div class="input-group" passToggle>
<input class="form-control" type="password"formControlName="password" >
To view a demo of the result: Password Toggle Demo
Add this piece of code at the end of your onClick()
this.span.innerText = this.toggleName('Show', 'Hide');